Comments on: Forgotten women painters of the Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age News, stories, culture and reviews from the Netherlands Thu, 07 Mar 2024 22:35:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Green Thu, 14 Dec 2023 23:08:13 +0000 Many now-famous artists of one kind or another have been completely forgotten in years gone by. An outstanding example is Johann Sebastian Bach whose work was considered so unfashionable that copper plates of his original scores were melted down and the music was lost forever. It was Mendelssohn who conducted a famous performance of Bach’s St Matthew Passion on 11 March 1829. The concert is now cited as one of the most significant events in the revival of Bach’s works. I don’t think Mendelssohn was a “woke agitator” but I am delighted that Bach was brought back from obscurity as I am also delighted that women artists from the Golden Age are also now being rediscovered.

By: Glenn Christmas Sun, 26 Feb 2023 14:56:19 +0000 No one “DESERVES” to be celebrated. People are celebrated because some people want to celebrate them, others are not celebrated because no one, or very few, care to celebrate them. It’s as simple as that. Dredging up artists who have been celebrated by only a handful of people over many centuries and suggesting there was some nefarious plot against them is ridiculous, at best. It’s just another example of “woke” agitators stirring up trouble where none existed.

We can choose to celebrate or not celebrate whoever we want for ANY REASON we feel like. We don’t need to be lectured by someone who has an axe to grind that his opinion is superior to ours and those who disagree are as despicable as baby seal clubbers.

Personally I believe Georgia O’Keefe is one of the greatest artists ever, but her friend/lover/confidant, Frida Kahlo, is a talentless, freeloading, unoriginal, vacuous fraud whose paintings and murals can’t even begin to compare to those of any random three year old. We celebrate those we choose to celebrate and we don’t need Chuka Nwanazia or anyone else telling us who we Must Celebrate!
